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Is a Vasectomy Reversible?

Is a Vasectomy Reversible?

More than 50 million men have had a vasectomy in their lifetime. But life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change. This means that even if you were “sure” that you were done adding to your family when you had your vasectomy, you can change your mind. Relationship status can change, as can your desire for more children and other personal reasons. 

Here at Buschemeyer Urology, we provide vasectomies to men as a permanent form of contraception. But Dr. W. Cooper Buschemeyer is also ready to reverse them when possible. Read on to learn what you should know about the reversal procedure, success rates, factors influencing reversibility, and what to consider if you’re contemplating a vasectomy reversal.

What happens during a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting or sealing the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra. This prevents sperm from mixing with semen during ejaculation. It's a highly effective form of contraception and is considered a permanent method.

How is a vasectomy reversed?

A vasectomy reversal, also known as vasovasostomy, is a surgical procedure that involves reconnecting the vas deferens, allowing the flow of sperm again. During the procedure, Dr. Buschemeyer reconnects the blocked ends of the vas deferens, enabling sperm to mix with semen and be ejaculated during intercourse.

How successful are vasectomy reversals?

We consider your eligibility for a reversal by looking at the time since your vasectomy (the longer it’s been, the less eligible you are) and whether scar tissue or blockages have developed since your surgery. Your age and overall health can affect the success of the surgery and the overall fertility potential.

If you’re eligible for a vasectomy reversal, the reversal success rates are quite high — up to 90%-95% of cases see restored fertility!

The success of a vasectomy reversal and its ability to lead to pregnancy varies based on several factors:

Time since your vasectomy

Success rates are higher if the vasectomy reversal is performed within a few years of the original vasectomy.

Surgeon experience

A skilled urologist with experience in vasectomy reversals can improve the success rates. That’s why you benefit from making an appointment with Dr. Buschemeyer. He has notable experience in performing and reversing vasectomies.

Sperm granulation formula

If a sperm granuloma, a lump of sperm, has formed in the vas deferens, the success rate may be higher.

Sperm quality

The presence of healthy and viable sperm in the epididymis (the tube where sperm matures) can impact vasectomy reversal success rates.

Don’t forget the female partner also plays a role in the ability of a man with a vasectomy to father a child. Her age and fertility status play an important role, too.

What should I consider before undergoing a vasectomy reversal?

You should undergo a consultation at our office if you’re considering a vasectomy reversal. We can review your individual circumstances and help determine the likelihood of success. 

Know that even if a vasectomy reversal isn’t possible or doesn’t lead to pregnancy, there are other ways that you can conceive. Even after a vasectomy, you produce sperm, so in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be a possible choice. IVF collects sperm from the male and eggs from the female and fertilizes them in a lab. The embryo is then placed into the woman’s uterus, where it has the potential to attach and lead to a healthy pregnancy. 

A vasectomy reversal is indeed possible, but not everyone is a candidate. If you’re considering reversing a vasectomy, consult with the providers at Buschemeyer Urology to get personalized advice based on your unique circumstances. Call today or use the online tool to schedule your appointment. 

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