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Why You Should Never Ignore Blood in Your Urine

Why You Should Never Ignore Blood in Your Urine

When you see blood in your urine, it can be a scary moment. The cause is often simple and treatable, like a urinary tract infection (UTI). Sometimes, however, blood in your urine indicates a more serious underlying illness.

When you can see the blood in your urine, it’s called “gross hematuria.” When blood is detected during a urine test at the doctor’s office and cannot be seen by the naked eye, it’s known as “microscopic hematuria.” 

Regardless of whether your bleeding is noticeable or hidden, you should get it checked out by a urologist like Dr. W. Cooper Buschemeyer here at Buschemeyer Urology in Conroe and The Woodlands, Texas. 

One of the primary reasons not to overlook blood in your urine is that it can be an early warning sign of serious medical conditions, including various forms of cancer. Detecting these issues in their early stages significantly improves your chances of successful treatment and recovery.

Our office can help you understand the reason behind the presence of blood in your urine and offer treatment if needed, before complications occur. Here are some of the potential concerns that arise when we notice blood in your urine.

Blood in the urine can mean a UTI

While UTIs are common and usually treatable, they can lead to more severe complications if left untreated. And UTIs are just uncomfortable!

Blood in the urine may be a symptom of a UTI, and prompt medical attention can prevent the infection from spreading to the kidneys and causing more significant health issues.

Blood in the urine may indicate kidney stones

Kidney stones are another common cause of blood showing up in the urine. These small, hard deposits form in the kidneys and cause severe pain and discomfort. 

Ignoring blood in the urine associated with kidney stones may lead to complications such as infections and, in some cases, kidney damage. Treating kidney stones early can make their passage less painful and disruptive.

Blood in the urine can indicate cancer

Perhaps the most critical reason to address blood in the urine right away is its association with bladder and kidney cancer. Hematuria is often an early symptom of these cancers, and timely detection and treatment can be the key to successful recovery. 

Blood in the urine is associated with other serious conditions

Blood in the urine can sometimes be a sign of more systemic conditions, such as blood disorders or the side effects of certain medications. Dr. Buschemeyer can help you determine if any of these issues are causing your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment.

Get a personalized treatment plan

Your case is unique, and Dr. Buschemeyer and the team here at Buschmeyer Urology personalize your treatment plan based on the underlying cause. Whether it’s prescribing antibiotics for a UTI, recommending lifestyle changes for kidney stones, or discussing more extensive interventions for cancer, when we find out the cause of your bleeding early, you get answers and avoid unwanted complications.

Blood in your urine is not a symptom to be taken lightly. If you notice blood in your urine, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment at our office so we can determine the underlying cause and take the necessary steps to protect your health. Call today or use the online tool to schedule an appointment. 

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